American farm field
Alabama Hay Listing
Use the links below to list hay for sale and to view current hay listings.
- ADAI does not guarantee the quality or availability of hay or pastures offered by suppliers.
- ADAI does not verify the prices listed in the ads on the Hay Hotline.
- ADAI is not responsible for inquiry responses you receive from the Hay Hotline.
- There have been reports of email scams that target hay suppliers, so ADAI advises all of its hay suppliers to practice sound business dealings when responding to inquiries for the sale of their hay.
- ADAI does not warrant or guarantee the pricing, quality, or acceptability of the suppliers listed and is not responsible for any losses suffered in dealings with suppliers listed.
- If you feel you have been the victim of fraud, contact your local law enforcement.
Hassey Brooks - Deputy Commissioner
1445 Federal Drive
Montgomery, Alabama 36107-1123
Phone: 334-240-3877