We are committed to protecting consumers in all aspects of commerce.
Whether in the grocery store, at the gas pump, or when hiring a pesticide company, the Department is determined to assure the quality and safety of the product you are purchasing. Our mission is to provide you with fairness in the marketplace and to insure the safety of the food you eat.
We touch the lives of EVERY Alabamian EVERY day:
- Our food safety inspectors pull samples for testing from an assortment of products including: meat, dairy products, baby food/formula, seafood, eggs, and produce. (We also test over-the-counter drugs.)
- The Weights and Measures Division tests every weighing and measuring device used in commerce.
- We certify Farmers Markets throughout the state of Alabama to implement the SNAP program.
- Our Pesticide Management Division assures safety in the selling, use, and application of pesticides in the State of Alabama.
- Our Plant Protection Division insures the integrity of commercially grown plants in the State of Alabama. We also control and eradicate harmful exotic plants and pests that could destroy our horticulture industry.