MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Farmers across the state and nation are facing historic economic hardships. Record inflation, high input costs, high interest rates and low prices for several agricultural commodities could force many farms out of business or cause them to choose to no longer farm in 2025, if federal action is not taken by the U.S. Congress.

“Our row crop farmers in Alabama are encountering immense financial pressure under high input costs, increased interest rates and struggling commodity markets,” said Alabama Agriculture Commissioner Rick Pate. “I urge Congress to provide emergency financial relief for our farmers, along with a Farm Bill extension now. Many farmers cannot continue to operate much longer without immediate assistance.”

Commissioner Pate also wants to emphasize that farmers did not create the economic situation they are in. The government has driven their costs impossibly high, while limiting export markets. The U.S. government must help before Alabama loses numerous farms.

Alabama is looking for a resolution that provides the necessary economic aid and disaster assistance for the farmers who work every day to provide food security to our citizens, while also feeding the world.