Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of food can I make at home and sell at a farmers market?

Foods that do not have to be time or temperature controlled for safety can be prepared in a kitchen in a private home for sale at state sanctioned farmers markets. Examples include baked goods, jams, jellies, and pickles.

What foods cannot be made in a home kitchen and sold at a farmers market?

Low acid foods such as canned vegetables, slaws, stews, soups, sauces, and any foods containing meat or other potentially hazardous ingredients that would need to be refrigerated or otherwise be held under temperature control cannot be offered for sale. Note: Montgomery and Calhoun counties are exempted from this requirement by state statute.

Is there any type of labeling required for products made in a home kitchen?

Yes, consumers purchasing those products must be informed by a clearly visible label, tag, or placard that the food is prepared in kitchen that is not inspected by a regulatory agency.

What about raw meats?

Only raw meats, including fish and seafood, that are processed, packaged, and labeled at an inspected facility or are otherwise exempted from inspection may be sold at a farmers market.

What about eggs, boiled peanuts, and honey?

All of these products are considered agricultural commodities and may be sold at farmers markets.

Can I buy products at farmers markets for use in my restaurant?

Only whole fruits and vegetables may be purchased at a farmers market for use in a permitted food service establishment. Processed foods made in a home kitchen cannot be used in a commercial food service operation.

Can I sell goat cheese at a farmers market?

Dairy products, including goat cheese, must be processed, packaged, and labeled at a facility permitted and inspected by the Alabama Department of Public Health’s Milk and Food Processing Branch.