The Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNPs) provides a direct tie between production agriculture and nutrition by providing seniors the opportunity to buy fresh local produce directly from farmers.
Goals of the Farmers Market Nutrition Programs (FMNPs):
- To provide fresh, nutritious, unprepared, locally grown fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs from farmers markets and roadside stands to low-income seniors and nutritionally at risk women and children.
- To increase domestic consumption of agricultural commodities by expanding or aiding in the expansion of farmers markets, roadside stands.
- To develop or aid in the development of new and additional farmers markets, roadside stands.
- Eligibility Requirements
- How to Apply for SENIOR FMNP Benefits
- How To Use Your FMNP Benefits
- FMNP Market Redemption Sites
SENIOR Eligibility Requirements
No person is “entitled” to SFMNP benefits; as the budget does not allow enough benefits to satisfy everyone who wishes to receive them and is eligible. Issuance is on a first come-first serve basis until all available funds are expended.
Senior FMNP- Both criteria must be met in order to receive SFMNP benefits.
- Age – person must be 60 years of age or older on the day of issuance.
- Income level – to be eligible on the basis of income, recipients’ gross household income must not exceed the following limits:
$2,322.00 monthly……for a household of ——1
$3,152.00 monthly……for a household of ——2
$3,981.00 monthly……for a household of ——3
$4,810.00 monthly……for a household of ——4
$5,641.00 monthly……for a household of ——5
$6,469.00 monthly……for a household of ——6
$7,298.00 monthly……for a household of ——7
$8,129.00 monthly……for a household of ——8
(Household: a group of related or non-related individuals living together as one economic unit. These amounts are at 185% of 2024-2025 Federal Poverty Guidelines.)
How To Apply for SENIOR FMNP Benefits
The Senior FMNP is administered by the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries, Farmers Market Authority Section to provide Senior FMNP Benefits to low-income seniors that are 60 years of age or older that can be used to purchase eligible foods (fruits, vegetables, honey, and fresh-cut herbs) from farmers that grow them and are selling them directly to you at local farmers markets and roadside stands.
If you are interested in applying for the SFMNP benefits, you can complete and submit an application on our web site by clicking SFMNP Benefits Application. You will receive your benefits card by mail, or your previous card will be renewed and benefits loaded, to be used at Farmers Market Authority (FMA) approved markets and roadside stands. Dates of issuance for the benefits vary but are usually completed in May through July. The Senior FMNP Benefits must be expended by November 27 of the calendar year you receive them.
How To Use Your FMNP Benefits
Choose a farmers market from our list of redemption sites; click here to find a farmers market in your area. All markets are self -governing. It is important that you note the markets days and hours of operation and inquire locally for exact opening and closing dates. (These dates may or may not coincide with the valid dates to redeem FMNP benefits, May 1 – November 27). Senior FMNP Benefits expire every year and they must be used in the year issued.
Walk through the market to compare the variety, quality and price of the produce items on display at each farmer’s stand before deciding what you will buy.
Use your FMNP benefits to buy fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs from farmers who display the “Farmers Market Nutrition Program” sign. If you have any questions about selecting and preparing fresh produce, please ask the farmers.
WIC benefits are worth $30.00 and SFMNP benefits are worth $50.00. You cannot receive change from a benefits card.
You are welcome to use cash at the market to buy additional fresh produce.
You cannot use your SFMNP benefits to buy non-produce items, ornamental pumpkins, or gourds.
FMNP benefits card cannot be used at a grocery store or any location that is not listed on our redemption site.