Sweet Potatoes
Producers of Sweet Potato seed, plant or table stock must be certified in the State of Alabama. Application for Sweet Potato certification are available Here.[Sweet Potato Application]. Growers must complete the application, list the varieties of sweet potatoes they intend to grow and remit a payment of $100.00 plus $5.00 per acre inspection fee. Only varieties list on the application will be certified and seed purchased from an outside source must have proof of certification.
To counteract the spread of insect, disease and weed infestation, growers must examine any seed or plant they purchase for weevil infestation, disease or the presence of noxious weeds. Such existence can cause significant harm to your crops and to those of your neighbors. If you discover any problems, please contact your Inspector immediately.
Growers must purchase certification tags for all seed, plant and table stock sweet potatoes they plan to sell and ship. These tags can be ordered by contacting plant protection. Green table stock tags and manilla seed/plant tags are available for $0.02 each, in bundles of 500. An additional shipping charge will be included with each order. There is no expiration date on these tags.
Sweet Potato weevil compliance agreements are available. Speak with your inspector about what is required.