Electronic CVI Applications
- Accepted in all states.
- Free download from the app store to your phone or computer.
- Immediate submission to state office.
- Provides both large and small animal CVI.
- Saves copies of previous CVIs for easy retrieval.
- Create and save drafts for clients.
- Import animal IDs via spreadsheet.
- Email completed CVIs to all parties, including hauler, consigner, and consignee.
- Address book capabilities to autofill consigner or consignee information directly into the CVI.
- Vet-CVI Webinars (Hosted by Kansas Department of Agriculture)
Global VetLink, LLC
- Fast, easy eCVI creation and submission for all species.
- Instant eCVI delivery to and certificate retrieval for clients through My VetLink Login
- EIA (Coggins) certificates through EquusLINK
- Veterinary Feed Directives (eVFDs).
- Storage and retrieval of lab results through LabLINK
- Easy-to-read standardized certificate layout.
- Precise identification including digital photos and brand images.
- USDA-approved digital signature technology.
- Mobile capability.
- Access the Global VetLINK website
- GlobalVetLink - Customer Training Videos
Vet Sentry eCVI
- A PDF form with the same look and feel as the paper CVI's you have been using for years.
- Used in the field or at the office, a lightweight, user-friendly digital certificate of veterinary inspection form.
- Easy to fill in with a standard laptop or desktop computer, tab from field to field for easy data entry.
- Imports data from an external source or quickly get RFID filled spreadsheets to import hundreds of animals into your CVI form with just a few clicks.
- Built on an Adobe PDF platform, excellent look and feel, lots of auto fill features to ease the data entry process.
- Little to no training is needed to fill out and complete an eCVI.
- Automated features send completed eCVIs to state officials and the veterinarian.
- Vet Sentry eCVIs are completely searchable for animal traceability standards.
Veterinary Services Process Streamlining (VSPS)
- Free, web based CVI option developed and administered by USDA/APHIS.
- Requires Level 2 eAuthentication with USDA. eAuthentication is a registration process that enables users to securely access USDA web applications and services via the internet.
- To apply for a USDA eAuthentication account, eAuth Home.
- Free, online EIA (Coggins) submission form.
- Import large volumes of animal IDs and animal info electronically via a spreadsheet file.
- Accredited veterinarians and laboratories may add tests results.
- Create, save, edit certificate templates for future use.
- Add vaccination information rapidly.
- Quick-copy auto-fill feature allows multiple animals to be added rapidly.
- Access the VSPS website: VSPS.
Additional Resources
Digital technology continues to develop and helps with multiple aspects of our daily lives. Multiple options are available to aid veterinarians with increased accuracy and convenience. A few of the benefits of electronic options for CVI include: utilizing equipment already on-hand (smartphones, tablets, computers), no postage stamps, no trips to the post office, automatic submission to the State Veterinarian's Office (with some electronic CVI applications).
Import / Export
- For import requirements of animals entering Alabama, visit our Import Requirements page.
- For export requirements of animals leaving Alabama, contact the State Veterinarian in the state of destination: Click here for a list of State Veterinarians.
- For import/export requirements of animals crossing state lines, you can also visit Interstate Animal Movement Requirements .
- For further information regarding Federal Accreditation, visit the National Veterinary Accreditation Program at National Verterinary Accreditation Program.
© Department of Agriculture - Animal Industries |
1445 Federal Drive | Montgomery, Alabama 36107-1123 | 334-240-7253 | State Veterinarian |